From time to time, Sheri answers reader’s questions in this space. Dear Sheri, I am retired and live on a fixed income which should last me through my final years. I see my kids struggling and want to help them, but I don’t want to give up my financial security. What can I do to...Read More
A just published book for adult children and their aging parents is “The Daughter Trap: Taking Care of Mom and Dad … and You” by Laurel Kennedy. This is a valuable resource for all adult children, daughters and sons alike. Ms. Kennedy bases her work on hundreds of interviews with baby boomers in the thick...Read More
There seem to be two kinds of aging parents – those who are determined never to be a burden on their families, and those who are in denial about the reality that their changing condition and ability places upon those who love them. This isn’t a value judgment; it just seems to be the way...Read More
There is a terrific article in the May 25, 2009 issue of Forbes, “How To Set Up A Multi-Generational Household.” The author, Ashlea Ebeling, writes, “One of the side effects of the economic contraction is that Americans are about to rediscover the virtues of three-generation households. This is how families used to take care of...Read More