In honor of National Family Caregivers Month, LifeBridge Solutions, LLC surveyed nearly 400 aging parents and adult children. The national survey was conducted online November 12 – 14, 2013. Survey results indicate that adult children are generally move concerned about their aging parent’s wellbeing than the older adult is about his or her own situation....Read More
One of the questions I’m asked most often is, “How do I start talking with my aging parent about the inevitable?” On the flip side, I have been asked, “How do I talk with my children about the inevitable?” Why is it so hard for so many families to have this important conversation? For some,...Read More
A just published book for adult children and their aging parents is “The Daughter Trap: Taking Care of Mom and Dad … and You” by Laurel Kennedy. This is a valuable resource for all adult children, daughters and sons alike. Ms. Kennedy bases her work on hundreds of interviews with baby boomers in the thick...Read More
If you are like most baby boomers, you’re busy, busy, busy! Whether you do it with a PDA, a scratch pad and pencil, or all in your head, you’re a list-making creature. With so many balls in the air, you don’t want one to crash back down. You feel immense pleasure when you accomplish something...Read More
This is the title for a very interesting blog post on the New York Times’ “New Old Age Blog”. Take a look at the posting. While the post itself is interesting, and covers the concept of care contracts for family caregivers, I find the discussion prompted by this post to be incredibly interesting. The points-of-view...Read More
Are you a baby boomer? If you answered “yes” then you are probably staring a life transition in the face. Is that face scary or serene? To some degree, that’s up to you. Life transitions, such as getting married, having a child, changing jobs, dealing with health issues, getting divorced, taking care of aging parents,...Read More
There is a terrific article in the May 25, 2009 issue of Forbes, “How To Set Up A Multi-Generational Household.” The author, Ashlea Ebeling, writes, “One of the side effects of the economic contraction is that Americans are about to rediscover the virtues of three-generation households. This is how families used to take care of...Read More
If you are the adult child of aging parents you have probably asked yourself how you would know if they need more help. If you live many miles away from your parents and don’t see them very often you either worry about this every day, or will be in the thick of it one day...Read More
One of the hardest parts of long-distance caregiving is keeping all of the balls in the air. The more organized you are, the less stressed you are. Checklists and calendars are a great help, and there are many wonderful tools available to facilitate communication between you and the person you are caring for, as well...Read More