A new client was recently referred to me by her friend and neighbor due to concern that her friend’s affairs were not in order.  The client and her husband are in their late 80s.  The husband recently suffered a fall, leading to a series of medical problems from which he was not expected to recover. ...
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A recent NYTimes New Old Age blog post regarding funeral expenses offers lots of important information for caregivers performing their “final act” on behalf of their care recipient. While it is always best for the care recipient to make their final wishes known to their caregiver and other loved ones, we all know that this...
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Caregivers often struggle with how much to talk with their loved ones about the end of life. In a way, it seems easier to do so when it is abstract, long before it seems like an impending reality. As it turns out, doctors struggle with this too, but recent evidence suggests that quality of life...
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